塑料門窗V型角縫清理(lǐ)機SQJ05-120 |
所屬分(fēn)類:UPVC塑鋼系統門窗設備 發布日期:2023-10-27 |
加工(gōng)性能(néng)及特點:專業用(yòng)于PVC門窗90°“V”及“+”形焊縫的清理(lǐ)工(gōng)作(zuò)台滑座可(kě)調,保證中(zhōng)梃準确定位。水平和垂直氣動壓緊裝(zhuāng)置,使型材在清理(lǐ)時保持良好的受力,清理(lǐ)效果好。上刨刀(dāo)高度可(kě)調,可(kě)有(yǒu)效控制刨槽深度。技(jì )術參數: 工(gōng)作(zuò)氣壓 0.3-0.8MPa 耗氣量 100L/min 加工(gōng)型材高度 40-120mm 加工(gōng)型材寬度 40-120mmProcessing Performance and Feature:professional used in cleaning the welding seam i··· |
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加工(gōng)性能(néng)及特點: 專業用(yòng)于PVC門窗90°“V”及“+”形焊縫的清理(lǐ) 工(gōng)作(zuò)台滑座可(kě)調,保證中(zhōng)梃準确定位。 水平和垂直氣動壓緊裝(zhuāng)置,使型材在清理(lǐ)時保持良好的受力,清理(lǐ)效果好。 上刨刀(dāo)高度可(kě)調,可(kě)有(yǒu)效控制刨槽深度。 技(jì )術參數: 工(gōng)作(zuò)氣壓 0.3-0.8MPa 耗氣量 100L/min 加工(gōng)型材高度 40-120mm 加工(gōng)型材寬度 40-120mm
Processing Performance and Feature: professional used in cleaning the welding seam in 90°and “V”shape of PVC win-door. The worktable sliding rail ensures the mullion in accurate location. The special pneumatic compaction device make the profile under the good force so that ensure the quality of cleaning. Upper and lower planning cutter is driven by pneumatic. Both hand concurrent operation button, ensures the oprator safety. Technical Parameter